
How to install apk files on your Android Smartphone?

Apk file is application program(app) for Android OS, it can be installed by using the built-in package manager or App Tools.

Before you get started, you need to check and perform some settings. Why do we need to this? Because when it comes to install app from an Android platform sharing by others, or may be a beta app from a developer’s website, which means you tend to bypass official app store, you need to make some special arrangement for apps installing.

1.       Open Settings in your Android Smartphone
2.       Click on Security
3.       Check the Unknown Sources option

When you have done these arrangement, you can follow the steps below.

Steps to install apps by using built-in package manager:

1.       Connect Android Smartphone to PC with a data line, copy the apk file in your computer and paste to your Android Smartphone SD card
2.       Open My Files to find the apk you just pasted
3.    Click on this apk, and then click on Install when a dialog window apear. Then installation steps ends

Now we suggest a new way to install apps, by using App Tools:

1.       Open http://www.appstudo.com/ to download App Tools http://api.appstudo.com/appdata/apptools/APPTOOLS.exe , and then install on your PC 
2.       Connect Android Smartphone to PC with a data line, open App Tools, your sartphone will be connect with App Tools automatically
3.    Click on My Phone, click on App, click on Install Applications to find your apk in your PC to install
4.    Wait a second, open your smartphone, you will find the app have been there.

App Tools has more powerful features, you can discover it by yourself. Hope you will like it. Please stay tuned for more insights on Android in my blog.

